Surveys have shown consistently low engagement for business intelligence and analytics systems. If the system doesn't offer value to its users, they will stop using it. This means missing out on its potential return on investment.
Our service gives you the power to monitor engagement and take actions to improve it—providing more value for your organization from OBIEE.
The User Engagement Service is a three week process that analyzes your system's historic and current usage; installs our User Engagement Toolkit, which gives you the tools you need to increase user engagement; rebuilds key dashboards; and educates your developers and users. Best of all, we can measure the results of the process—before and after—using our user engagement dashboards.
Our dashboard keeps you focused on the engagement KPIs that matter. We track them over time so you can easily see how your initiatives are resonating with your users.
We've designed a set of automated emails to encourage your users to come back to OBIEE more frequently and to give them tips on how to use the system most effectively. From a series of welcome emails that establish an early pattern of use, to updates that are sent after long periods of inactivity, we've covered the entire user lifecycle.
There are no silver bullets for making OBIEE faster for your users. But Robin Moffatt, the leading expert in OBIEE performance, has designed a dashboard to help you understand where your bottlenecks are, and how best to improve them.
JavaScript visualizations can be beautiful, but they were difficult to integrate into OBIEE without deep knowledge of the language—until now. Our visual plugin pack allows you to build charts with D3.js, Highcharts and other JS libraries as easily as building a standard OBIEE graph.
The service begins with an audit of your OBIEE implementation, which identifies key areas for improvement. Once identified, we focus our efforts on those areas that provide the largest impact on the adoption and frequency of use of your system.
The User Engagement Service includes a two-week Visual Redesign consultation. During this time, we review your organization's reports and dashboards and transform them into something more meaningful and engaging—utilizing components such as the Visual Plugin Pack where appropriate—to better tell the story behind your data.
We want to give your organization the capability to deliver world class and insightful reports and dashboards. During the engagement, we tailor a set of trainings sessions and workshops that give end users, report writers, and developers invaluable knowledge, techniques, and good practices.
To wrap up the service and continue to support you and the User Engagement Toolkit, we give you access to our Global Support Desk and its Expert Services package.