Update on the Discoverer / Missing 5146470 Patch Posting

A quick update on the Discoverer article I wrote earlier this week, where I mentioned that database patch 5146470 mentioned as a requirement in the documentation isn't actually available for Windows. At the time I contacted metalink as by not installing the patch, I could have been risking corruption to my analytic workspaces, and I said I'd get back in a few days with the eventual resolution.

In the end, I was told that this particular patch (also called the OLAP "B" patch) was not going to be available for Windows, and that I should download patch number 5396619 instead (OLAP patch "C"). Apparently this patch is password protected, so to get hold of it you'll need to raise an SR and get access to it that way. This is only for Windows mind; for other OSs just download the 5146470 patch as normal.

I've downloaded and installed the patch now on my database, and it all seems fine so far.