Collaborate’07 Schedule
It's only a week to go now until Collaborate'07 in Las Vegas, so I was thinking it's about time I sorted my agenda out. Here's what I'm planning to attend over the main four days:
- 8:15 AM-9:00 AM : 30 Years of Database Innovation, Ken Jacobs, Open 10
- 9:15 AM-10:15 AM : Oracle Identity Management - The Total Identity Solution, Matt Topper, Surf E
- 10:30 AM-11:30 AM Using Oracle BI Enterprise Edition with Oracle OLAP Multidimensional Cubes, Chris Claterbos, Surf F
- 2:15 PM-4:30 PM Data Warehouse Best Practices: From Methodology to Design, Ian Abramson, Ian,Palm A
- 9:45 AM-10:45 AM BIWA Round-table, Surf A
- 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Service Oriented Architecture with ODS, Vincent Chaznoor, Surf E
- 12:15 PM-12:45 PM Architecture Options for VLDB on Oracle10g, Mirozlav Dzakovic, Surf F
- 1:45 PM-2:45 PM Improve Your Code with DML Error Logging, David Scott, Palm A
- 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Oracle's Business Intelligence Roadmap, Matt Elumba, Reef C
- 4:45 PM-5:45 PM Oracle Database 11g: Next Generation Performance and Scalability, Sushil Kumar, Mandalay Bay K
- 8:30 AM-9:30 AM Why You Can't See Your Real Performance Problems, Cary Millsap, Mandalay Bay L
- 9:45 AM-10:45 AM Oracle SOA Suite Overview and Update, Robin Zimmerman, Palm D
- 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Enterprise Data Warehouse on 10G RAC, Nikolaus Dilger, Surf B
- 1:30 PM-2:30 PM RAC Data Warehouse Implementation, Andrew Faulkener, Lagoon E
- 3:15 PM-4:15 PM Blueprint for Creating a Discoverer Reporting Environment, Barry Markovic, Mandalay Bay K
- 8:30 AM-9:30 AM Oracle Database 11g: Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, George Lumpkin, Lagoon D
- 9:45 AM-10:45 AM Case Study: ETL Solution Using Streams and Data Pump API, Aldo Bravo, Palm C
On Monday, I'm keen to hear both Matt Topper speak (he and I have corresponded a fair bit over the last couple of years) and to hear about Identity Managment, especially if there's some coverage of how it links in with Oracle business intelligence. Ken Jacobs should be interesting to hear (this sounds like the talk he gave at Hotsos), and i'm keen to hear Chris explains how Oracle OLAP works with BI EE - it's a tricky concept to explain but Chris, along with Dan at Vlamis are the experts in this area over in the States. The day is finished off by an extended session on data warehousing best practices - again, I'm keen to hear how others see this area, and you always learn something new from hearing others speak on a subject.
Tuesday starts off with a BIWA SIG user group event, and then an interesting talk by Vincent Chaznoor on using SOA with Operational Data Stores - two of my favourite topics at the moment. The talk on Very Large Databases should be interesting - something I'm often asked about but not an area I've spent too much time on in the past, which is a bit of a blind-spot for me - and then one on DML Error logging, something I've got an interest in for it's ETL implications and because of the article I wrote on it last year. The day the finishes off with talks from Matt Elumba and Sushil Kumar - I went to the previous versions of these talks last year at Open World, I'm principally interested to find out if there's an new product news, in terms of release dates and details for Oracle BI Suite Standard Edition One, and for new features and a release data for Oracle Database 11g.
Wednesday starts off with one I'm particularly looking forward to, Cary Millsap on diagnosing performance problems, and then it's an update talk on SOA Suite - I see myself working with this toolset quite a bit over the next few months, it'll be good to get an overview and some direction on where the products are going. After that, it's a couple of talks on RAC and data warehousing - depending on who you speak to, RAC is either the best thing for data warehousing since sliced bread, or it's just an over-complicated solution that is more about following the next big thing from Oracle - and a chance to catch up with Andrew Faulkener, who I met at the BI Customer Advisory Board last year and whom I've occaisionally corresponded with since then. Finally, it's a talk on setting up Discoverer environments - again, I'm keen to hear how others do this, it adds a bit of perspective when you come to do your own projects.
Thursday gives me a chance to catch up with the new BI&W features in 11g, and hopefully George Lumpkin might let on some more details of what's coming up with Oracle OLAP - bit things are afoot, so I hear, but no-one's saying anything in public. Finally, there's an interesting case-study in streams and data pump, certainly cutting-edge but I'm interested to hear where the issues lie - my experieces particularly with streams and CDC is that it's a bit of a job to set up, and not all that obvious how to fix it when it goes wrong; coupled with data pump running point to point, and it sounds like a recipe for a few late nights on the client's site.
Anyway, that's what I plan to get up to at Las Vegas. Apart from Collaborate, I'm also going to the Hyperion event in Lyon in May, so if anyone's interested in what Hyperion is all about, and has anything they particularly want me to find out, add a comment and I'll try and add it into my agenda.