UKOUG December 07

The whole Oracle world seems to be congregating in San Francisco for a few days of talk, meetings and events.

But I am reminded that another event is on the horizon; the UKOUG's annual conference in Birmingham from December 3 to the 6. Now, that is only 3 work-weeks away. This year's programme includes a lot of content on the ever expanding Oracle family as well as the more traditional core database stuff. The organisers have done well to structure the event to allow people to dip in on days aligned to the various products. Details of the event are here and the agenda for the 400 presentations here If you are in the UK I urge you to book a place, it is a great conference with good, well thought through, content.

I thought I was not going to make it this year as I was planning a move of company, which in part is why I proposed a talk that did not need vast amounts of computer resource that I may no longer have access to. However, now I know I will be there for the whole conference and, in the main not, in the BI stream (the one coloured bright blue in the agenda) A lot of the data warehouse orientated talks are in the server technology stream. And there is an data integration talk in the application server stream.

As I said, I won't be presenting, but I will be speaking (or at least asking people to switch off mobile phones and fill in the speaker appraisal forms) - I will chair some sessions - I won't say which ones in case the presenters complain.