Goodbye to Stewart...
We’re sad to announce that Stewart Bryson’s last day with Rittman Mead was last Friday, and he’s moving-on now to a new challenge. Five years ago Stewart co-founded Rittman Mead America with us, and most recently he’s been our Chief Innovation Officer, handing over the day-to-day running of our US business to Charles Elliott, our US Practice Manager.
One of the main contributions Stewart has made over the last few years is helping us develop the Rittman Mead Delivery Framework and the Rittman Mead Way. The Delivery Framework is a set of software, accelerators and processes that determine how Rittman Mead consultants go about projects (the Rittman Mead Way). Stewart has contributed greatly to our work around Extreme BI, version control and release management. These processes are now embedded in our delivery management team and framework, and as such will live on through the DNA of Rittman Mead, but in the meantime we wish him well going into the future.