Corporate Social Responsibility (Where Can We Serve?)

At Rittman Mead, we believe that people are more important than profit.
This manifests itself in two ways. First, we want to impact the world beyond data and analytics, and secondly, we want our employees to be able to contribute to organizations they believe are doing impactful work.
This year, we’ve put a Community Service requirement in place for all of our full-time employees.
We’ll each spend 40 hours this year serving with various nonprofits. Most of our team are already involved with some amazing organizations, and this “requirement” allows us to not only be involved after hours and on the weekends, but even during normal business hours.
We want to highlight a few team members and show how they’ve been using their Community Service hours for good.
Beth deSousa
Beth is our Finance Manager and she has been serving with Sawnee Women’s Club. Most of her work has been around getting sponsorship and donations for their annual silent auction. She’s also helped with upgrading a garden at the local high school, collecting toys and gift wrap for their Holiday House, and collecting prom dresses and accessories for girls in need.
Charles Elliott
Charles is the Managing Director of North America. He recently ran in the Dopey Challenge down at Disney World which means he ran a 5k, 10k, half marathon, and full marathon in 4 days. He did the run to raise funds for Autism Speaks. Charles was recognized as the third largest fundraiser for Autism Speaks at the Dopey Challenge!
David Huey
David is our U.S. Business Development rep. He recently served with the nonprofit Hungry For A Day for their Thanksgiving Outreach. He flew up to Detroit the week of Thanksgiving and helped serve over 8,000 Thanksgiving dinners to the homeless and needy in inner city Detroit.
Andy Rocha
Andy is our Consulting Manager. Andy is a regular volunteer and instructor with Vine City Code Crew. VC3 works with inner city youth in Atlanta to teach them about electronics and coding.
Pete Tamisin
Pete is a Principal Consultant. He is also involved as a volunteer and instructor with the aforementioned Code Crew. Pete has taught a course using Makey Makey electronic kits for VC3.
This is just a sample of what our team has done, but engaging in our local communities is something that Rittman Mead is striving to make an integral piece of our corporate DNA.
We can’t wait to show you how we’ve left our communities better in 2016!