Sql2Odi - best practices for auto-generating your ETL content
I blogged a while ago about our Sql2Odi tool that converts SELECT
(and WITH
as well) statements into Oracle ODI Mappings. (Blog posts 1, 2 and 3.)

Now that the tool has been around for close to 2 years, let us reflect on lessons learnt and best practices adopted.
Let me start with a quick reminder of how the Sql2Odi tool works:
- You start by defining the feed-in metadata: the SELECT statement that the new Mapping will be based upon, name of the target table, names of Knowledge Modules and their attributes, flags like Validate Mapping and Generate Mapping Scenario flag, etc.
- Then run the Sql2Odi Parser that parses SELECT and WITH statements in your metadata table.
- Then run the Sql2Odi Mapping Generator that creates ODI Mappings based on the successfully parsed statements.
- Assess the outcome by reviewing the newly generated Mappings in ODI Studio.
Defining Metadata
Each SELECT statement that we want to turn into an ODI Mapping needs its own line in the SQL_TO_ODI_MAPPING
metadata table. (It currently has 35 columns and is likely to grow in the near future as the tool's capabilities are expanded.) It takes time to fill in all metadata required for Mapping generation. If there are many Mappings to be generated and they can be split into groups according to purpose and design pattern, for each group you should create its own custom metadata table with its unique distinguishing features. Once all the custom metadata tables are filled in, based on them you can generate records in the SQL_TO_ODI_MAPPING

Executing Parser
Sql2Odi Parser parses SELECT and WITH statements and in case of a successful parse converts it into metadata that in turn is used by the ODI Content Generator to generate Mappings in ODI.

Any reserved word that is part of the SELECT statement, needs to be defined in the Parser so that it can understand it - that is something that can only be done by us. (The Parser does not have visibility of the database schema, does not validate a SELECT statement against actual schema content.) Any custom-built PL/SQL functions will hence not be understood. Standard Oracle RDBMS functions are supported but occasionally we are still finding some obscure ones that we have missed. Our Parser still has a range of limitations:
- All reserved words, including Oracle function names, must be given in UPPERCASE. (This is usually not a problem, because SQL Developer allows to convert any SELECT statement to uppercase.)
- No support for nested queries (where a SELECT substatement is used instead of a column reference or expression).
- No support for the
expression. - No support for hierarchical queries, i.e.
queries. - No support for
queries. - No support for the old Oracle
notation. (You can still join tables in theWHERE
clause if you so choose butOUTER JOIN
should be used where in the old days we used(+)
. - Does not parse comments unless those are query hints.
Like most parsers, ours is not good at telling you what and where exactly the problem is. For example, if in your SELECT statement you are referencing a custom-built function, the Parser will most likely interpret it as a column name and will become upset when you try to pass values to it.

It will say it expects something else instead of the opening bracket (
whereas the problem is actually the function itself. Therefore it is a good idea to test and review all SELECT statements before passing them to the Sql2Odi tool.
Executing ODI Content Generator
ODI Content Generator is a Python script that you run from ODI Studio. It will generate new Mappings in the dev repository that you are currently connected to.
As was noted above, the Parser does not know anything about the database schema you are referencing. So if you have not tested your SELECT statement in SQL Developer, there might be typos in your table or column names - all those typos will be parsed successfully and those issues will come to light when you try to generate Mappings in ODI: if a schema name is incorrect in the SELECT, the ODI Model will not be found, if a table name is incorrect, the ODI Datastore will not be found, if a column name is wrong, attribute mappings will fail to be created.

However, the good news is that the ODI Content Generator is much, much better at telling you what, where and why went wrong - it generates a rich log output and shows descriptive error messages.
Because semantic errors can only be spotted upon trying to generate Mappings, many cycles of edit SELECTS -> parse -> generate ODI content
may be necessary.
When Mapping generation is done, always check the output log for errors and warnings!
Using Sql2Odi in a Project
The ODI Content Generator by default will delete and recreate Mappings, thus allowing for many generation cycles. However, this can be overridden at the level of individual Mapping - there is a flag in the SQL_TO_ODI_MAPPING
. If set to N
, Mappings that are already in the Repository, will not be touched.
In a project where the Sql2Odi tool or any other auto-content generator is used, there should be a well understood milestone for generated content, beyond which it passes into the domain of developers for further manual adjustment and can no longer be re-generated. When that milestone is passed, will depend on how far the Mapping can be developed by automated means. Typically it will take many cycles of auto-generation to get Mappings in the desired shape. How many cycles we will run, will depend on the review feedback after each generation but also on the performance of the auto-generator tool.
One of the benefits of using auto-generators is - making a small adjustment to all objects of same type is easy, for example, adjust MD5 calculation to include Source system ID for all Extract Mappings, of which there could be thousands. But will it take 5 minutes or 5 hours to regenerate the lot? A five minute job can be done almost any time whereas a 5 hour one looks like a nightly job. To discuss the performance of the Sql2Odi tool, we need to look at the Parser and the ODI Content Generator separately.
The Parser is a pure Java application with few outside dependencies. On my test system, it takes tens of milliseconds to parse a single SELECT statement. That suggests that parsing a thousand SELECT statements should be done within a minute. Also, parsing does not interfere with anything or anyone.
Parser performance stats:
Parsing done in: 00:00:01.675
Number of statements parsed: 42
Time in milliseconds per statement: 39
Total length of Statements parsed: 61 KB
The ODI Content Generator however is a different story. ODI content generation based on the parsing result written in the metadata table is done by a bunch of Groovy scripts, which query and update the ODI Repository repeatedly in the course of creating a single ODI Mapping, and they are subject to object locks in ODI Repository. Content generation is much slower than Parsing and its performance will depend heavily on the speed of your dev environment, how complex the Mappings are, do you set up Physical Design, validate and create Scenarios as part of creation, etc. On my test system it takes a couple of seconds for a Mapping to be fully generated, validated, Scenario generated.
[info][12/12/2022 19:10:26] -= Performance Stats =-
[info][12/12/2022 19:10:26] Of 38 enabled and successfully parsed Mappings in the Metadata table, 18 Mappings were successfully generated.
[info][12/12/2022 19:10:26] Total duration is 45.5 seconds, which is 2.527 seconds per successfully generated Mapping.
The Future is Automation
Let us sum it up. The way your accelerated, automated development process will work will depend on the constraints like the complexity of your SELECT statements, the amount of manual intervention needed after your Mappings are generated and the performance of the automation system. You have designed your data analysis system and concluded that large parts of your data warehouse schema and the ETL (or ELT) can be built automatically. The Sql2Odi tool enables you to do that.