Oracle Model Administration Tool Available on Linux and macOS
The Model Administration Tool is a fundamental component of the Oracle Analytics suite that enables developers to create and manage the metadata used in analyses, reports and workbooks. So far the tool has been available only on Windows platforms, but today is a date to be remembered: Oracle finally released the long awaited Linux and macOS versions!!! ๐ฎ
The Model Administration Tool for Linux and macOS is now available for download on edelivery (search Oracle Analytics Server Client Tools).
This is exciting news for users who prefer to work on Linux and macOS because it will give them the ability to manage metadata for Oracle Analytics without having to use additional Windows machines just for this task.
If you are looking into the Linux or macOS version of the Model Administration Tool and want to find out more, please don't get in touch or DM us on Twitter @rittmanmead. Rittman Mead can't help you with this. ๐